The #1 thing to do as a group is to set your overall team goal and then break it down to determine how many cases each team member needs to sell.
You can use $20 per case profit as a good average to go by.
If your goal is to raise $3,000.00 based on a team of 15 players, each team member will only need to sell 10 cases.
We have systems in place, such as your personalized team dashboard to show your progress and to remind your team to sell. We will send reminder emails with updates on your success.
The teams that sell the most have a specific purpose and team goal they want to achieve.
The second thing that the most successful teams do is they have a little internal competition with a small reward for the winner.
We setup unique links for each team member to start off your campaign so it's easy to log in and track the individual sales of each person.
And finally you need to communicate with your friends and family regularly during the campaign.
One email per week will probably not be enough.
We provide bi-weekly reporting to help you communicate to your team so you can stay on track.
Email Campaign Follow Up
1st Weekend - Send it out right away and you’ll have the early adopters in the first weekend. These are usually your absolute closest friends and family. Do it on Friday if you can and then talk to them when you see them on the weekend.
You'll see that sales slow down in the middle of your campaign, that’s normal, don’t get discouraged.
First email talk about your team and how each sale directly supports whatever the money is going towards. If it’s a tournament, talk about the tournament, where it is, how you did last year, how you think your team will do this year, include a photo of your child and/or team.
First full week is still critical to setup your final week. Most people will wait until there’s a definite deadline, use this time to remind them they don’t have much longer.
Read about some of the products and get familiar with them so it’s easier to sell the benefits of each of them. If you’re not sure about something, ask us on our contact us page. We’ll be more than happy to get you the answers you need.
Make specific product recommendations.
“Hey Mike, I know how much you like shrimp, take a look at the product reviews in our teams store. I see they’re getting stellar reviews.”
Have confidence in our products, even mention that we have a guarantee. We source our products from the best vendors. Some of the products you can’t buy in most retail stores.
Copy this image and paste it into your email to show them there is something for everyone!
Last week is where you will need to make a push. One email won’t cut it. You need to follow up with a few emails in the last week, especially the last 3 days. It’s absolutely critical. People get busy and forget when the deadline is.
Day - 10 - start the week off by sending the following email subject line
“Only 7 days left to support our team!”
Day 13 - on the Thursday send out an email promoting our 100% product guarantee.
Our product is not a lottery or raffle ticket. Your friends and family will be receiving the highest quality products and we back that up with our guarantee. Remind your buyers that we guarantee their purchase. They win and you win with every purchase.
Day 15 - email before noon on the Saturday, subject line
“36 hours remaining, we are so close to meeting our goal!
Day 17 - Last Day!! all hands on deck! The most successful teams tell us that they make one final push on the last day.
Three emails, morning, afternoon and evening as well as phone call follow ups.
Your persistence will benefit your group or team.
One final thought